Here are the requirements: L'ajuda es lliurarà com un pagament únic per fer front a la pujada del preu dels comestibles, que supera el 15% el darrer any. El Govern ha aprovat aquest dimarts al Consell de Ministres El nou...

Here are the requirements: L'ajuda es lliurarà com un pagament únic per fer front a la pujada del preu dels comestibles, que supera el 15% el darrer any. El Govern ha aprovat aquest dimarts al Consell de Ministres El nou...
Here are the requirements: L'ajuda es lliurarà com un pagament únic per fer front a la pujada del preu dels comestibles, que supera el 15% el darrer any. El Govern ha aprovat aquest dimarts al Consell de Ministres El nou...
New law on the creation and growth of companies On November 30, 2021, the Council of Ministers approved the "Create and Grow" Law project and the Law was approved on September 29, 2022. After the Anti-Fraud Law, which was created by to avoid double accounting and B...
Delayed retirement and what benefits it has Què és la jubilació demorada? Delayed retirement is the alternative available to workers (either self-employed or employed) who want to extend their working life beyond the ordinary retirement age, in exchange for receiving...
Invalidity, incapacity and disability What are the differences between Invalidity, Incapacity and Disability? Invalidity is a pension that is granted for not being able to work due to a pathology or injury, while incapacity is the recognition of a deficiència...
What is a binding consultation? A binding consultation is a tool, which taxpayers have as their main advantage, to make inquiries to the treasury. The binding consultation has a clear objective, to facilitate the taxpayer's correct compliance...
Here are the requirements: L'ajuda es lliurarà com un pagament únic per fer front a la pujada del preu dels comestibles, que supera el 15% el darrer any. El Govern ha aprovat aquest dimarts al Consell de Ministres El nou...
New law on the creation and growth of companies On November 30, 2021, the Council of Ministers approved the "Create and Grow" Law project and the Law was approved on September 29, 2022. After the Anti-Fraud Law, which was created by to avoid double accounting and B...
Delayed retirement and what benefits it has Què és la jubilació demorada? Delayed retirement is the alternative available to workers (either self-employed or employed) who want to extend their working life beyond the ordinary retirement age, in exchange for receiving...
New contribution system for freelancers When does it come into force? As of January 1, 2023. What is the system for calculating the RETA fee? It shall be declared on the basis of their actual net income; It will be the difference between income and expenses and a......